Friday, August 14, 2009

A Restful Day In The Garden?

Hello again. I am Benson. I am a black cat and I live in a nursing home. This is my blog.
The weather was much better today. I managed to get outside on patrol quite a few times today - just as well cos the painters and decorators are in at the moment sprucing things up a bit and the smell of paint gets right up my nose!
Bert the handyman was here today cutting the grass. It's all very well but it spoils my fun. I like it when all is quiet in the garden - there are more things to chase.
The lawn mower disturbed my lunctime snooze today too. I was stretched out on my garden swing - It's great they bought it for me this summer. It's huge and has a lovely padded seat and a canopy to keep the rain off. Sometimes the care workers come and sit with me for a while when they have a cup of tea. Anyway, I'd patrolled the garden perimeter and shooed off Ginger Princess - she's not a real princess - I just call her that cos she walks around with her nose in the air like she thinks she's something special. Huh! She lives in a flat on the estate the other side of the fence and doesn't even have any garden of her own.
Anyway, as I said, I was snoozing just after my lunch, I thought Bert had finished making a racket, but it seems he had just gone for a rest and then had come back to cut another bit of lawn. -The bit right next to my swing. - Well, I jumped so high -I could have caught Cyril the squirrel sat on top of the cedar tree -if I'd been awake! Of course, Bert just thought it was really funny. Huh! Don't you worry though - he won't be smiling for long - when he's gone home, I'm going to dig up his petunias - HE REALLY HATES THAT!

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Benson Blogs Introduction

I heard these days anybody who is anybody writes a blog. Well, I'm pretty important on my patch so I thought it was high time I got in on the act.
My name is Benson. I am a black cat and I live in a nursing home - have done for several years now. I used to be a stray but I found life was a bit tough and thought it was time I got a place of my own and settled down. I like lots of space so I picked out a large building with plenty of beds to choose from. It's always kept nice and warm in the building for me too which is ideal - especially in the winter time.
I have a lovely large garden too, lots of grass, huge trees complete with squirrels and birds galore. Most of the people there are friendly although there are one or two I'm not especially keen on. All in all I figure I've done pretty well for myself.

Well today it rained ALL day - never stopped. I had to go out once or twice but I'll tell you I didn't hang around. I was soaked! Luckily I have a lovely spot in the dining room to dry off. I like to sit on the heater by the window. Ooh warm as toast it is and I can keep an eye on who is coming and going at the same time. Purrfect! After I'd dried off, I went and curled up on one of the dining chairs, tucked under the table. No one knows I'm there cos I'm hidden by the table cloth. After a few hours resting, I went on patrol around the building - I check for mice - that's my job. I don't usually find any so, occasionally, I have to catch one outside and sneak it in and pretend I caught it inside. No one has a clue. They are so gullible, you know!

Right, the night staff are in now so I should be getting my supper any minute. Not sure if I'm going to go out tonight yet - it depends on the weather. Tut, it's still raining at the mo. I'M NOT GOING OUT IN THAT!!